Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes discussed how opportunity used the wrong way can destroy everything.
According to Harrison there can be real danger in opportunity if it gets associated with greed. What could otherwise be a very productive and excellent business can in a very short time get destroyed by the greed of one single person. When people cheat, in however small a way, the damage adds up.
In our careers too, every action we take with our employer needs to be accounted for, and every small action has consequences. In his entire career Harrison has seen people cheat their employers in the smallest of ways and what ends up happening is that this cheating adds up, and eventually comes back to get the person and the organization.
The only way to truly grow and progress in business and in life is to be on the side of good and to be a team player all the time. Just one person can bring down an entire company. We invest our lives in our careers, therefore the most important thing we can do is act with integrity in our jobs and in everything we do.