Sells hardware, such as nails, bolts, screws, hand-and-power tools...
Sells hardware, such as nails, bolts, screws, hand-and-power tools, electrical equipment, plumbing supplies, garden tools, and paint: Advises customer on tools, hardware, and materials needed, and procedure to follow to complete task customer wishes to perform. Informs customer about quality of tools, hardware, and equipment, and demonstrates use. Performs related duties, such as estimating amount of paint required to cover given area, mixing paint, and cutting screen, glass, wire, or window shades to specified size. Performs other duties as described under SALESPERSON (retail trade; wholesale tr.) Master Title. May specialize in selling paint or wall coverings and be designated Salesperson, Paint (retail trade; wholesale tr.); Salesperson, Wall Coverings (retail trade; wholesale tr.).