Working Your Plan:
Having major goals can seem overwhelming, and the more overwhelmed you are, the less likely it is that those goals will be accomplished. So the first step is to break the goal down into mini-steps. For example, let's say your goal is to obtain 25 new customers this quarter. It would not be productive to just think you are on track and wait to see the results at the end of the quarter, would it? So we will make some assumptions to exemplify how to break down a major goal (25 new customers in the first quarter) and to create measurable action steps that not only show progress, but also let you know exactly where you stand in regards to reaching your goal at the end of every week.
- You need to give two presentations to get one sale.
- You need to make 10 phone calls to get one prospect for a presentation
- About 42 phone calls per week.
- Roughly 5 presentations per week.
The point is that once you know the exact activities you need to complete on a daily basis, as well as measure and track, you will always know if you are on track to reaching your goals. Plus, you can have some fun with the numbers. For example, if you improve your closing ratio or phone skills, you can potentially work less, or you could increase your goals. This is what the saying "working smarter" means.
So instead of spending January in planning mode, look at your goals, and break each one down into measurable action steps. Not only will you stay on track, you will also be working more efficiently.
Here's to you being great in 2008!
About the Author
Henry Pellerin is the president and founder of VantaEDGE™, Inc. and co-author of The Strategic Selling Process. VantaEDGETM, Inc. provides customized sales training, consultation, and facilitation services. Henry personally has over 17 years of experience in sales, sales management, and business development which he shares with clients to help them receive the same results he has attained year after year.
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