- pay on time?
- try to continually beat you up on price?
- truly value the service you provide?
- communicate well with you?
- have clear and reasonable expectations?
- view you as a commodity?
It is an unfortunate situation to have those customers that take up so much of your effort and who have such unrealistic expectations (you know the ones — they want something for nothing) that the cost of working with them outweighs the revenue they produce. Before placing the blame on the customer, consider how they became a customer in the first place. You see, many times, we create the problems ourselves. Here are some reasons why these situations typically occur:
- The salesperson over promised and under delivered.
- The price was dropped significantly "just to get the business."
- A product or service was offered that really wasn't the right solution for the customer.
- First, define the characteristics of what you view as an ideal customer.
- Focus your marketing efforts in the right market. What that means is, don't conduct marketing activities that attract customers that would not benefit from your product or service.
- Set clear expectations with your customers from the very beginning. It is better to "under promise and over deliver" than to underperform.
- Survey customers; get feedback so that you can find out how you can improve.
- Listen to the customer so that you clearly understand his needs.
- Before submitting a proposal or quote, ask your self this question: "Will this provide value to my customer?" If the answer is no, don't offer it to the customer. It is better to be honest when you can't meet a customer need or demand than to try to talk him into something he doesn't really need or want.
The next time you get upset or frustrated with a customer, ask yourself if it is the customer's fault or your own. Of course, there are those customers that are impossible, but for the most part, people are not out to rip you off or to take advantage of you. We all just want to receive a good value.
About the Author
Henry Pellerin is president and founder of VantaEDGE™, Inc. and co-author of The Strategic Selling Process. VantaEDGE™, Inc. provides customized sales training, consultation, and facilitation services. Henry personally has over 17 years of experience in sales, sales management, and business development which he shares with clients to help them receive the same results he has attained year after year.
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