This week, I will discuss the value of understanding your customer's behavioral style and how to capitalize on this information to provide the best product or service to your customer.
There are four major behavioral styles, and each of us falls into one of the categories. You have probably heard of several of these tools—for example, DISC, Myers-Briggs, etc. However, most trainers turn these exercises into psychological profiling exercises rather than using them as sales tools. The names of the four categories are not really so important; the traits in each category are where you find the value.
We have created a simplified tool to help determine behavioral styles. Listed below is an explanation of each style, followed by the information needed by those with the style in order to make a decision. This tool is also available for free by going to, clicking on "Free Tools," and downloading the behavioral-style worksheet.
Analyze: A person with the Analyze behavioral style needs to see facts, figures, charts, and graphs in order to make a decision. Without this type of information, he or she won't feel comfortable, because there is nothing to justify or back up your proposal. This person's decisions are deliberate, and he or she makes decisions based on logic only.
Assure: Everything people with the Assure behavioral style do is based on providing security. Assure behavioral types have a fear of change and want step-by-step instructions so that they will rest assured that there is a process to deal with what they are going to receive and so that they can clearly understand the outcome. When making decisions, those with the Assure behavioral style need third-party recognition, regulatory agency approvals, and any other means of validation. Assure behavioral types base their decisions on logic; however, their desire for logic is backed by their emotional need to feel secure.
Achieve: People with the Achieve behavioral style only care about the results: how your product or service is going to benefit them in their quest to complete their current activity so that they can move on to the next. These types need quick means of validation, such as available case studies and customer testimonials, to make decisions. The Achieve behavioral type can make quick decisions if he or she has the information available to back them up. If your product has received any awards, be sure to show them to the Achieve-style customer. Achieve-style customers are good about making decisions, and they usually make them fast, without regret. Their decisions are based primarily on emotion and the feeling of accomplishment, but they will use logic to justify them as well.
Associate: People with this behavioral type are mainly concerned with the popular decision. They tend to use the products and services that are most popular or "hip" within their industries. These people also care about products and services that make them popular with those in their surroundings (i.e., peers, coworkers, etc.). The information required by this type is market share.
Buying Motives for the Various Behavioral Styles
Buying Motives | Fears | Wants | Decisions Are | Decides On/Justified By | |
Analyze | Facts Figures Charts Graphs |
Embarrassment | Credibility | Deliberate | Logic/Logic |
Assure | Step-by-step instructions Clear understanding Validation (third-party approval/ recognition) |
Confrontations/ Mistakes |
Security | Considered | Logic/Emotion |
Achieve | Results Benefits Validation (case studies/ customer testimonials) Showcased product awards |
Loss of Control | Quick Success | Decisive | Emotion/Logic |
Associate | Popular decisions Relationships Market-share information Customer testimonials |
Loss of Prestige | Status | Spontaneous | Emotion/ Emotion |
The purpose to us as sales professionals in having this information is that it is our job to provide the information the customer needs in order to make the best decisions possible. When customers receive the specific information they need to make decisions, and it is presented in the format they best understand, your chances of making a sale increase by 75%!
The key is to not overcomplicate this exercise. Spend some time understanding the different behavioral styles and the associated characteristics. Once this knowledge becomes second nature, you will master the process. Also, notice that this applies to buying styles, and it has nothing to do with the type of product or service you offer. So no matter what industry or market you work in, this information will apply.
About the Author
Henry Pellerin is the president and founder of VantaEDGETM Inc. and co-author of The Strategic Selling Process. VantaEDGETM Inc. provides customized sales training, consultation, and facilitation services. Henry personally has had more than 17 years of experience in sales, sales management, and business development, and he shares his expertise with clients to help them receive the same results he has attained year after year.
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